Welcome to the Café del Sol

The New Media Marketing lab's exhibition of Java Applets for the Web. [CREATORS]-[APPLETS]-[FAQ]-[RESOURCES]-[RULES]-[DOWNLOADING]

Deep within the bowels of Sun Microsystems, Inc. lies a lab... the New Media Marketing lab. In addition to many other responsibilities the members of this lab are charged with the task of developing Java programs. These programs, innocently known as applets, are occasionally released... bringing much joy and happiness to the virtual world. Those with a keen eye can spot these applets on Web pages and in CDs released by the developers within New Media Marketing lab.

The Café del Sol is the first bit of the 'outside world' the applets see. Here they congregate, compile amongst themselves, and finally (with the permission of their creators) venture out amongst the other Kilo-Mega-Gigabytes that whiz by the Café del Sol, Sun Microsystems, and every other place on the Internet.

But here they reside first; here in their primal stages. If you are fortunate enough to have found the Café del Sol, then you are welcome to look around, investigate the applets, and basically get your fill of Java.

All applets in the Café del Sol are © 1996, Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Café del Sol artwork, maintenance, and typos by
Eric Harshbarger -- harshec@cdware.eng.sun.com